Introducing the 'Faces of Freedom' series

Opportunity Arkansas is honored and excited to announce the launch of a new video series entitled "Faces of Freedom." The series will feature Arkansans, in their own words, talking about the impact education freedom has had on their families in just a few short months.
I've been honored to travel the state and meet so many of these families, and I can't wait for you to hear their stories. The vast majority of them would not have been able to make the switch to better schools without the education freedom program.
Our first video in the series features Allison Cunningham, resident of Russellville and mom of Eliza.
It was such an honor to sit down with her and hear about her family’s journey. Honestly, hearing how far Eliza has come in just one semester was very emotional, especially as a dad of a child who has special learning needs as well.
Eliza has gone from dreading school and being sent out of class, to line leader and on the honor roll. What an incredible story. We had to even stop the filming at one point because we were both in tears.
I left inspired and more determined than ever to protect this program for kids like Eliza. I hope you feel the same way after watching for yourself:
Eliza’s life has literally been changed because of education freedom – and that alone would make this whole fight worth it.
But guess what? There are thousands of kids like Eliza all across the Land of Opportunity. And we are going to tell their stories.